Wednesday, December 28, 2011


帮一位客户买了一台服务器,Lenovo 的入门档次的机器,订单里指定预装操作系统。机器一个月才到货,接通电源,发现机器是个光板儿,没有系统,也没有安装盘。

给 Lenovo 销售打电话,第一次是位女士,说话是印度口音,问了我许多问题,告诉我说,没有系统软件的机器不会发货,我哭笑不得,告诉她我收到的就是没有系统的裸机。最后她把我转到技术服务部门,这回倒是一位美国人,James。可他告诉我,他爱莫能助,我还得找销售部。


在美国中小企业市场上,戴尔充斥。联想从 IBM 手里接过 PC 业务已经很多年了,一直不见起色。照这种服务,这样对付顾客,我不知道 Lenovo 这个品牌还能撑多久,更不谈跟对手竞争了。反正就个人而言,我是尽量不会再买 Lenovo 的东西了。

【2011-12-29】今天企图再试一次 Lenovo 的销售服务,看能否不退货,解决问题。以下是网上对话记录:

Connected to Savitha Bhoote
Please wait while we connect with you with a Lenovo Chat Representative.
You have been connected to _Adam R.
Thank you for choosing Lenovo Sales Chat. I’m Adam, your sales chat representative. My rep id is QD7. What can I do for you today?
I have an order (xxxxxx) that has a problem.
what is the issue?
I talked to someone on the phone yesterday, ended up asking for a return. But I hope there is a way to resolve this because it has already taken too long for me to receive the order.'Do you have the order in front of you?
let me transfer you to post sales
one moment
_Adam R has left the session.
Please wait while we find an agent from the US Post Sales Team department to assist you.
You have been connected to Savitha Bhoote.
Thank you for choosing Lenovo Chat service, this is Savitha. How may I be of assistance
How are you doing today?
OK.I have an order (xxxxxx) that has a problem.
Thank you.
I will be glad to help you.
How may I help you today with this order.
Do you have the order in front of you?
Item 46U2561It means that I ordered the operating system preloaded. Correct?
But the server says something like "No operating system found" when booted up.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
You have reached the sales support team.
Please call Thinkpad Tech Support on 1 800 426 7378.
And they will be glad to assist you on that.
I did, yesterday evening, transferred from a call to Sales. I was told that I had to talk to Sales.Tech Support basically told me that they could not help me. That was all.
Could you help me with the case number.
What case number?
Since you said you have already called sales department there should be a case number given by them
If there is no case number, I would request you to call them and get a valid case number from them so we can assist you further.
I was not given a case number.Are you not Lenovo Sales?You are supposed to be "US Post Sales Team". Correct?
Correct, You have reached sales support team.
When there is an issue with the system there will be a case number given to the customer.
With that case number we can help you with returns,
I already got an RMA number, if that helps. But I still hope to resolve this without having to return it.It has already taken me a month to receive this order!
I am sorry about that.
Since you said you would like to keep the system.
Which sucks. But to return it would mean my work on the order and that month long time go completely wasted.
Please call our sales support team on 1 866-428-4465 option 3 for billing.
Call them to do what?
Our billing team can help you request for a replacement system.
We cannot confirm if the replacement system can be provided, However I would request you to call them for further assistance.
OK. Thanks. Bye.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Is there anything else I can be of assistance with today?
Can I tell you something? It seems to me that Lenovo's sales is in complete disarray.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
OK. Bye now.
Thank you for choosing Lenovo chat services, have a great day!

Friday, December 23, 2011



之前曾经也写过一篇关于电子邮件安全的文字,也说到密码。个人做这些努力,当然前提是没有人能在你的密码上做小动作。每个人都可以有自己喜欢的方法来保存密码,但是月光博客个人密码安全策略我还是觉得过于复杂,Jason Ng 更指出其中的问题。然而,目前保存密码的一些软件也有其他一些问题,最明显的一个是现在许多网站通过问一些私人问题,比如你小学最要好的好朋友叫什么,之类的,来提供一个密码重置的途径。这些问题,你当然没有必要如实回答。然而,编造的答案则容易忘记。

目前来说,我所采用的办法算是中间道路,而且比较笨拙。办法是用 GnuPG (Gnu Privacy Guard) 生成一对密匙,用他来对所有的密码和其他私人信息加密。而密匙本身用一个很长、很复杂的密码加密,这个密码不在任何其他场所使用。加密之后的个人信息可以保存到网盘(如 Dropbox)之类的云存储,甚至加密的密匙都可以这样保存。这个办法当然无法让密码自动在各种设备之间同步,尤其是手机,但是好处是相对比较简单,每个环节自己都可以控制。

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

SSH 简单使用技巧

SSH 是一个“瑞士军刀”一样简单、多用途的工具,其优点早已被 IT 从业人士广为接受。但一般不是做 IT 的人士可能还不知道这是一个什么东西,能干什么。这里做一些简单的介绍,由于这是一个命令操作的工具,所以要预先警告一下。不过呢,电脑这东西其实是世界上最简单:因为它的基本原理是开关逻辑,一就是 1,二就是 10,并不复杂。

SSH 起源一位芬兰软件工程师,后来被 IETF 标准化成为因特网上一个标准用于安全远程电脑操作协议。同时,“SSH”也用来指称各种电脑系统中用 SSH 协议的软件,比较常见的有微软视窗上的 PuTTY 和支持多种电脑系统的 OpenSSH。我经常使用这两个软件,主要是 PuTTY 的窗口尺寸可以随意改变,而且 PuTTY 还支持串行口联机,而在 Cygwin 里面还没找到一个好用的串口联机软件。

  • ssh hostname
最简单的,当然就是远程联机。只要远端主机上运行 SSH 服务,就可以安全地远程联机。当然,这样地远程联机方式只能在远端主机上使用命令行操作。
  • 安全通道
安全通道可以用来保护一些不安全的网络协议,这样可以通过本来不安全的全球互联网来安全地进行远程操作。比如,如果远端机只支持明码的 HTTP,而不支持加密的 HTTPS,就可以通过 SSH 安全通道来加密。
家庭网络常见的路由器一般只支持 HTTP 来对路由器进行设置,如果在家庭网络上有一台 SSH 服务器,就可以安全地对家里的路由器做远程设置。举例说明:
     ssh -L8080: home-host
这里假设家里的路由器内部网址是。这条命令在用户与 home-host 之间建起一个安全通道,明码传输只在 home-host 和家里的路由器之间,这样远程控制家里的路由器就像在家里一样安全了。操作的时候,只要在浏览器里打入 http://localhost:8080/ 即可象在家一样安全进入
     ssh home-host
这个 SSH 联机成功之后,访问 http://localhost:8080/ 就等于访问
  • scp: 安全的远程文件拷贝
SCP 是一个利用 SSH 协议,在互联网上两个计算机之间进行文件拷贝的一个软件。
     scp user@remote-host:path-to-file local-path
以上一条命令,就可以把远端主机 remote-host  上的文件拷贝过来。


因为 SSH 主要用于用户远程访问,一旦某个用户通过 SSH 进入一台电脑之后,他就有这台电脑上用户的权限,可以做很多事情。有些情形要求对这些权限有所限制,比如,SSH 可以用来与 rsync 软件做远程数据备份,这种情况下,我们并不希望用户能够进入远端的主机,可以通过一个简单的设置来限制某个用户可以通过 SSH 密匙来做某些特殊的操作:

from="hostname",command="/usr/local/bin/" <public-key>
以上斜体部分需要系统管理员填入。这一用法的好处是,系统管理员生成一对 SSH 密匙,将保密部分放在客户端机器上,在服务器端通过 /usr/local/bin/ 这个脚本命令可以限制客户端能够运行的程序,比如,限制客户端只能到服务器上运行 rsync,那么客户就不能用这个密匙来登录服务器了,但可以在没有人工操作的情形下做文件备份。

SSH 的用处还很多,以上只是触及皮毛而已。下面这个参考资料介绍了在微软视窗里安装 SSH 服务器软件,当然 Cygwin 整个环境都值得安装,不过那是后话了。

  1. Installing the Cygwin SSH daemon, Kevin Scully, Info Systems and Technology, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1